A few days later, dropping through my letterbox was a vibration pack, a shiny un-openedd VMU (these are cheap and plentiful on ebay), and both iterations of the boxing beat 'em up Ready 2 Rumble series, released on to the Dreamcast in 1999 and 2000.
The only time I ever played this game was in an HMV megastore in Cambridge in 1999. I was 15, and like everyone at the time, easily impressed when it came to 128-bit consoles. I was expecting the game to be horribly dated. But.. holy shit. This game is one metric fuck-tonne of fun. Visually, the second instalment is vastly superior and there is little urge to return to the first game after Round 2. it's not the greatest fighter out there but it also doesn't take itself too seriously. The pro-wrestling style trash talking allows both opponents to engage in minimal contact before ejecting their opponent out of the ring and in to row Z.
The series has an in depth training system where you can focus on specific areas. strategy is required here as over-training on certain areas will reduce your stats rather than improve them. The fighters have distinct styles, and I was drawn to Afro Thunder. A retired cab driver (at 24). Heaven help you should you come against his younger brother, who will kill you.
Taunt your way up to a combo strike that sends your opponent flying over the top rope and across the arena. Alernatively your combos can be earned by landing punches, and these stats are beamed to your VMU during the rounds.
The only time I ever played this game was in an HMV megastore in Cambridge in 1999. I was 15, and like everyone at the time, easily impressed when it came to 128-bit consoles. I was expecting the game to be horribly dated. But.. holy shit. This game is one metric fuck-tonne of fun. Visually, the second instalment is vastly superior and there is little urge to return to the first game after Round 2. it's not the greatest fighter out there but it also doesn't take itself too seriously. The pro-wrestling style trash talking allows both opponents to engage in minimal contact before ejecting their opponent out of the ring and in to row Z.
Setting the console's clock to 4th July results in an Independance day Easter egg, with the ring draped in stars and stripes. Hilary and Bill Clinton are playable characters in the game, as is Michael Jackson. Yes, you get to beat the shit out of Michael Jackson. How many video games can boast playable characters of a former and future US president. Not bad.
The series has an in depth training system where you can focus on specific areas. strategy is required here as over-training on certain areas will reduce your stats rather than improve them. The fighters have distinct styles, and I was drawn to Afro Thunder. A retired cab driver (at 24). Heaven help you should you come against his younger brother, who will kill you.
Taunt your way up to a combo strike that sends your opponent flying over the top rope and across the arena. Alernatively your combos can be earned by landing punches, and these stats are beamed to your VMU during the rounds.
time line
[hour 1] training. fighting. training.
[hour 2] time to attack the arcade. MJ is going DOWN.
[hour 3] more training. wow, Independence Day Easter egg
better call a doctor!!
more training required.
rumble man!??
[hour 4] still can't beat rumble man
[hour 5] fuck you, Rumble man.
[hour 1] training. fighting. training.
[hour 2] time to attack the arcade. MJ is going DOWN.
[hour 3] more training. wow, Independence Day Easter egg
better call a doctor!!
more training required.
rumble man!??
[hour 4] still can't beat rumble man
[hour 5] fuck you, Rumble man.